One Hellish Day

Today has been a hell-a-shish day. Two phrases: “Hippie Chick” and “Roommate from Hell”.
Hippie Chick: Bucking the System
First, I went to the Newport Police Department to ask if we needed a permit for the Party in the Park. One the officers “believed so” and strongly advised that I go to city hall on Monday morning to find out. When I called Hippie Chick to tell her, she went AWOL on me.
“I wish you would have called me before you went down there, Sapphire. I could have told you what they were going to say. This is what I’m saying. You can’t do anything by following the system. You have to go outside of the system. There are ways around it. There’s been a book written about how to get around it. I’ve done this for years. I’ve been very successful at this in Florida and when the police show up we just—”
I had to cut her off.
I explained that I believed we had two different agendas. My purpose for the project was to garner the dignified treatment and respect from the community that the homeless deserved. My focus was on the homeless men and women. Hers seemed to be more about bucking the system. I also told her that the Coalition and its name and reputation were not mine to gamble with.
“The Coalition is God’s organization to which He appointed me as its earthly director. This is not the direction He wants me to pursue. Personally, as Sapphire Jule King the individual, it’s not something that I want to pursue either. I don’t have anything else to prove to the world. So, we will have to wait a week before we do the project.”
“But we already have these vendors who are excited about the project and are ready to help,” Hippie Chick retorted.
“And that’s great. I’m sure they will understand when we tell them that we have to wait to get a permit. I’m sure they won’t want their names attached to an unlawful project that requires police action to disband.”
Hippie Chick wouldn’t hear of it. She tried again to convince me—or perhaps bully me into believing— that this was the right course of action to take. “Not for the Coalition, it isn’t,” I simply stated. “If you are concerned about losing the vendors’ interest and since you’ve had success with this in the past as you’ve stated, you are more than welcome to hold the event tomorrow as planned on your own. Please just remove the Coalition’s name from any promotional material.”
She didn’t want to obtain a permit. She wanted to hold the event without the permit or not at all.
“So, I guess this is it then,” she flared. Hippie Chick said her goodbyes and angrily wished me well in my future work.
Roommate From Hell: What?
Then, I return to the shelter only to have one my roommate to go AWOL on me when I told her that God instructed me to buy my newest two homeless friends (and stars of the documentary) food on my EBT card. She accused me of not giving genuinely, that I gave out of guilt.
She conveniently launched this verbal assault after I stood up to her on behalf of our newest roommate. Now, this is a woman who has repeatedly talked about how she allowed her ex-boyfriends to live and who repeatedly threatens to cut or stab people.
The Vocational Services rep here at the shelter just told me on Friday that “people might be jealous” and warned “don’t let them get you into trouble.” One of my other roommates who witnessed this episode even told me that Roommate from Hell was just jealous of me.
Why is this happening?
God's Response
“Because there are dark forces and light forces. Darkness is attracted to the light. Keep walking with me. Keep walking in me. It’s just dark energy trying to get you off course. Trying to throw you off track. Sapphire, I’m trying to prepare you. Now that you are completely humble, completely open and accepting, I am telling you that you now have to be VERY selective with the company you keep and who you are seen with. This is super important for your work. You’ve gotten the same feeling with both of them (Hippie Chick and Roommate from Hell). Trust it and know what it is. You are being ushered into a selective inner circle—going into a different lion’s den in order to do the life-changing work that I now want you to do. It’s a different ball game, but you’re learning.”
I know what I do, I do from my heart. I acknowledge my shortcomings publicly and learn from them. I know the voice of God when I hear it. I know and trust my God.
“Sapphire, ignore what she said. She’s just jealous as has been revealed to you. You can see it in her eyes when you tell her about your day. She sees the people you are meeting and the progress you have made in two weeks and it brings up the feelings of inadequacy in herself. YOU ARE SAFE. YOU ARE PROTECTED ALWAYS. NEVER WORRY. I KNOW IT’S HARD BEING SENT ON THE INSIDE BUT YOU ARE SAFE.”
Yes, but this what I asked you not to do. I don’t want to be everyone’s punching bag.
Copyright © 2010 Sapphire Jule King and International Freedom Coalition