Support and a Room

Day 39: Walking in the shoes of the homeless and unemployed
The meeting today with Bud Cicilline and Newport shelter provider to discuss support for Bill of Rights for the Homeless went very well.
The Newport provider offered me a dorm room in their transitional housing unit! I move in on December 8!
Bittersweet Celebration
My roommates and I stayed up past lights out listening to music, singing, laughing, whipping our hair back and forth (to the song), and saying our goodbyes. To say that I am not relieved to be leaving would be a straight up lie. I am very relieved. Yet, I feel a twinge of guilt and a sense of defeat to be moving on while these ladies are still here with no immediate prospects.
I am overwhelmed by a mix of emotions. I’ll have to write about it later.
Copyright © 2010 Sapphire Jule King and International Freedom Coalition