Daily Dose - May 5, 2020
Self-love believes all things are possible in God.
Belief means:
- a state or habit of mind in which trust or confidence is placed in some person or thing
- conviction of the truth of some statement or the reality of some being or phenomenon especially when based on examination of evidence
No situation we face takes God by surprise. God has answer for every question and an example for us to follow in every challenge. We build our trust and confidence in God when we compare the promises in God’s word with our life experiences. When we root our belief in the evidence present in God’s word – in the promises of God, in who God is, in who God says we are – we will experience the supernatural joy, peace, and hope of the Holy Spirit no matter the circumstances.
1 Corinthians 13:7(b); Mark 9:23
Minister Sapphire Jule King
Self-Love Affirmation

Just for today, I love myself by believing in God’s unbounding love for me. I believe in God’s unique vision for my gifts and talents. I believe in the unique mission that God has given me. I am safe in the limitless possibilities of the future. I am exactly where I am supposed to be. I love you, [your name here]!
Open and Receive:
- Stand in front of a mirror.
- Look into your eyes.
- Say the affirmation aloud.
- Repeat several times throughout the day.
It may feel strange, but keep trying! Let the truth set you free.
1 Corinthians 13:7(b); Mark 9:23
Minister Sapphire Jule King
5 Minute Fill-Up
In order for us to believe in the possibilities for our lives, we must believe that God loves us, sees us at all times, hears us at all times, plans a future and a hope for us, is working every situation for our good, has His hand in every challenge, and will never fail to light up the darkness that tries to hold us back. God’s love will never let us down; thus we believe.
See God’s presence in every area of your life. Crank it loud and sing it proud!
1 Corinthians 13:7(b); Mark 9:23
Minister Sapphire Jule King
Self-Love Nightcap

I endured a painful struggle with the concept of belief and believing for nearly four decades. I would believe for certain things that never came to pass. The more effort I exerted into believing, the more pain I felt. I can remember thinking that I was just not believing hard enough or strong enough or deeply enough. Belief became a sort of performance for a god who clearly was not listening to me. It was exhausting.
A prime example relates to the loss of a significant adult in my childhood which I mentioned during the #ConnectionWeekend challenge. I can remember spending hours and what seemed like whole days “believing” for this person’s return. Such actions are natural for a child, I suppose. However, that pattern would continue into adulthood – “believing” for a variety things that “I” wanted and thought served my best interests or “believing” for outcomes that “I” wanted to happen “my” way.
As I matured spiritually and sought to know God more intimately through the study of His word, God transformed that struggle into an authentic understanding rooted in biblical principles. With that transformation came peace.
In my personal study, I learned that belief is mostly associated with God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. Belief is attached in some fashion to what God has spoken, Jesus being sent by God, the power and presence of God, or the power of God to heal and save through Jesus. Many scriptures precede or follow the word “believe” with some reference to “in God” or “in Jesus” or in something God or Jesus has said, done, or has the ability to do.
Learning that “believing” actually meant “believing in the things of God” also underscored the necessity to surrender my will to His Will and to submit my way to His Way. Only then did I come to recognize that most of what I believed for were defined by me and not God.
Even Jesus did not come of his own initiative to do what he wanted to do (John 8:42). Jesus did not set his own agenda or save himself from crucifixion when he had the power to do so (Matthew 26:36-44). Jesus submitted his own will to the will of his Heavenly Father.
Thus, for love to believe all things, we must “believe that there would be a fulfillment of what was spoken to [us] from the Lord (Luke 1:45).” If God said it, believe it without the need to predict the exact details of the outcome. It will be exactly as God intends it to be.
The next time you find yourself in pain over believing for something, ask yourself if that something originates with God. If you are unsure, seek the wise counsel of a brother or sister in the faith.
1 Corinthians 13:7(b); Mark 9:23
Minister Sapphire Jule King