Daily Dose - April 27, 2020
Self-love is peace, lives in peace when the world about us is crumbling, and remains at peace when chaos and uncertainty swirl in our lives. How is that possible? I can’t pay my bills because I lost my job. I can’t pay my rent because I had an unexpected car repair. I can’t go to work because of an unexpected illness. It looks like divorce is inevitable because my spouse and I just can’t seem to find our way back to a place of unconditional love and forgiveness. There goes another relationship; I’ll never get married and have kids. My child just got into trouble… again. Where is the peace in that?
The state of our world does not supply us with peace. If we look externally for peace, we will live frustrated and disappointed 95% of the time. Peace inherently rules in our spirits because of Jesus’ presence. Wherever Jesus is, there is peace. Jesus is peace. And His peace overrules any tribulation.
That is not to say that a trial will not be challenging or emotionally upsetting. Rather, it means that we don’t have to live in that place of upset – pitch a tent, pack a lunch, and spend the night or two or twenty. “Being peace” means we always have access to a quiet place within where we can rest and know that God is with us. He will use every situation to catapult us forward toward our purpose.
Therefore, we do not have to react to upsets with anger and dismay. Instead, we go to God first to slide into our reserved place of peace then walk through the situation with God step by step until we reach the other side.
1 Corinthians 13:5(c); John 16:33
Minister Sapphire Jule King
Self-Love Affirmation

Just for today, I love myself from a place of peace. I walk calmly through storms. I am still in upheaval. I am exactly where I am supposed to be. I am becoming all God created me to be. I love you, [your name here]!
Open and Receive:
- Stand in front of a mirror.
- Look into your eyes.
- Say the affirmation aloud.
- Repeat several times throughout the day.
It may feel strange, but keep trying! Let the truth set you free.
1 Corinthians 13:5(c); John 16:33
Minister Sapphire Jule King
5 Minute Fill-Up
What’s gnawing at you today? Weighing you down? Knocking you off your game? Scrambling your focus? Speak to it: Peace. Be Still. Just as the winds of the storm had to obey Jesus, the winds lashing at you must obey your command because you speak with the authority of Jesus.
Reclaim your peace. Crank it loud and sing it proud!
1 Corinthians 13:5(c); John 16:33
Minister Sapphire Jule King
Self-Love Nightcap

Despite reflecting on my day for the past hour, I find no words trying to press their way out. God is stretching me to be sure. I’ve been able to just stand in this newness of connection, observing the difference in how I relate to others. For once, the prospect of being fully seen does not scare me.
I am peace.
Glory to God!
1 Corinthians 13:5(c); John 16:33
Minister Sapphire Jule King