Daily Dose - April 30, 2020
Self-love honors truth: personal truth, cultural truth, spiritual truth, and the objective truth. Personal truth encompasses the mental, emotional, and physical journey through our experiences.
Ten people can be present during the same incident and walk away with a different personal truth. Some will be traumatized to the point of experiencing anxiety, paranoia, depression, or even post traumatic stress disorder. Others will be mildly unsettled for a few days. The remainder will continue on with life as if nothing unusual happened.
The response and reaction of each person’s experience is true for them. No one is more right or wrong than the other. In our search for the objective truth (i.e. the exact facts of what occurred), we oftentimes judge, criticize, and gainsay others’ personal truth. By conditioning, we, in turn, dismiss and devalue our own personal truth ourselves.
Accepting our personal truth without judgment is the first step toward freedom from anything that hinders our forward progress, our growth, and our maturity.
1 Corinthians 13:6(b); John 8:31-32
Minister Sapphire Jule King
Self-Love Affirmation

Just for today, I love myself with truth. I accept the personal truth of my experiences as a pathway to healing, growth, and maturity. The truth sets me free. I am exactly where I am supposed to be. I am becoming all God created me to be. I love you, [your name here]!
Open and Receive:
- Stand in front of a mirror.
- Look into your eyes.
- Say the affirmation aloud.
- Repeat several times throughout the day.
It may feel strange, but keep trying! Let the truth set you free.
1 Corinthians 13:6(b); John 8:31-32
Minister Sapphire Jule King
5 Minute Fill-Up
The objective truth recalls the facts of a situation. Our personal truth describes our emotional, mental, and physical response to the factual events. Our human desire to make meaning causes others and ourselves to judge our responses and assign a label to them – anxiety, fear, joy, pain, good, bad, right, or wrong – which leads to shame, hopelessness, doubt, and insecurity.
God’s spiritual truth applies biblical principles to the objective facts to help us understand our personal experience of the situation. God’s word is eternal. What God says about us–in every possible situation–is inerrant. Despite an incident, despite our response to it, despite the interpretation assigned to our response by others or ourselves, God says we are beautiful, forgiven, loved, accepted, anointed, approved, and free.
When we apply spiritual truths to the examination of our personal truth, we find freedom. Stay aligned with God.
Be free. Crank it loud and sing it proud!
1 Corinthians 13:6(b); John 8:31-32
Minister Sapphire Jule King
Self-Love Nightcap

I continue to walk with God through the transition from the #ConnectionWeekend. I am deep in reflection and prayer about connection and disconnection experiences throughout my life. The only parting wisdom I can offer at this point is to trust God.
Invite the Holy Spirit to guide you into all truth regarding your personal, socioemotional journey. Allow the Holy Spirit to teach you how to interpret those memories or the responses (and words you wish you would have said) that you keep replaying in your mind. Search for related spiritual truths in God’s word and those spiritual truths will set your mind free, your emotions at ease, and your body healed.
1 Corinthians 13:6(b); John 8:31-32
Minister Sapphire Jule King