Standing in Truth

Week 26: Walking in the shoes of the homeless and unemployed
It has been months since I have last written in my journal. For the past week, I have written a couple of notes in a hard cover journal but the written thoughts have been quiet. I understand why—God has moved my station and I just needed to be present in that. He just stopped my yoga routine and told me to finish it through writing:
“Sapphire, your journey of suffering is complete. You will be moving out of the transitional room in May – May 23rd to be exact. Please apply for the Leadership and Advocacy Training this weekend. I have had to keep you in these living conditions for you to learn many great truths about yourself and to open doors that might otherwise be closed to you. You know why I am moving you now, don’t you? Because this morning—and yesterday was the first day— but really this morning I saw it in your heart and in your eyes and in the glow of your spirit. I am moving you because you have finally found YOUR HOME.
It is not a place. It IS where the heart is as everyone says. It IS where I am as everyone has been saying. But those words didn’t make sense for you. But now knowing the truth, it does, doesn’t it? YOUR HOME IS YOUR TRUTH. Period. When you are fully living in your truth—in the full light of it, in the splendor of your gifts, in the uncompromising nature of your personal being and your spiritual being—you are standing in your home.
You have finally ACCEPTED that you ARE an author and a screenwriter. That has been your dream long before you realized it. But, in high school and college, people attacked your work when you were just starting to realize that writing was your love.
Don’t you realize that people will always attack your truest and greatest gifts? When they do, and when you stand firm, that is when you have reached home. You are home. You have finally found your home, what home authentically means for you. You have affirmed that home. You have stood up for that home. You have protected your home through me rather than by your own hand and your own will. That is why I will now move you.”
Copyright © 2010 Sapphire Jule King and International Freedom Coalition