Now What?

Week 28: Walking in the shoes of the homeless and unemployed
My three-day quest ends today. I have 1/4 cup of detoxifying kale left to facilitate the fast. Then I have nothing left. No more food. No money. Nothing but the clothes on my back—the suit—literally. Everything else I have gotten rid of as God instructed. Sleeping on this floor is most unpleasant but necessary part of the quest to humble myself.
I am grateful for all God has done to provide for me over there past 2 8 weeks. I am fervently praying that He has mercy on my very human soul and find it fit to move me tomorrow instead of the 23rd since I have followed his directions to clear out all assurances.
Dear God, please see me where I lay. Please remember that I arrived at this place—in this current state—by following your lead. Please remember that I am human. I trust in your greater plan although I know nothing of how this will turn out. I trust that, in the end, all this has been for my greater good and the greater good of others who can be helped by the Bill of Rights for the Homeless. Your humble and dedicated servant to the end,
Copyright © 2010 Sapphire Jule King and International Freedom Coalition