Purge #2

Week 28: Walking in the shoes of the homeless and unemployed
12 days to move out
After scrubbing the room from top to bottom on Monday, tossing out all bed linens, and packing my things, I camped out on the floor in a two and a half foot wide space. All I had was my favorite blankie from years ago (which God allowed me to keep) to lie on and two rolls of toilet paper for a pillow. Not very comfortable. I awoke yesterday morning with God whispering “time to vision quest” in my ear. Knowing how my last vision quest changed my life, I immediately went into a deep, active meditation to receive His guidance.
“First, vision quest for three days starting today. You have already cleaned the space with loving intentions so no need for a sacred circle.”
In that moment I realized something profound had happened. While on my hands and knees scrubbing these floors, I asked God to bless the room for the next person. And I cleaned it thoroughly. As it happens, the “bed” I prepared for someone else is the one I had to lie in. Literally. I am not an avid bible reader, but I know that is in there.
“Second, clean out what you have packed.”
I thought I had gotten rid of all non-essentials already. Wrong. God had me throw out my clothes bought for the original Walk down to the socks, my leather jacket, my beloved scarf and gloves bought in London but now tainted with memories of the shelter, even my nephew’s high school baseball socks. “He has moved on to bigger things. Do not hold him back by hanging on to that which represents his past just as I am guiding you to release ALL from your past.”
By the end of the day, I had cut up my maxed out credit card which still provided a few extra dollars each month after the bill was paid. God woke me up at 1:08 am to get rid of anything left in my possession connected with the shelter. Now, I am left with my black slacks, black patent leather pumps, black stretch tank top, and skinny black belt- all of which I must dispose once I leave because I had them at the shelter; my suit; my trench coat; dress boots and rain boots; a sweater my sister gave me but I never wore; two summer shirts; and my carry-on suit case and business tote that I came here with and must also dispose as soon as I leave.
He even had me to check my email. There was a Facebook friend request from an ex from 14 years ago. “Delete. You cannot move forward with anything from your past: distant past and Rhode Island past. The name of this vision quest is: You Can’t Take It With You. If you want what I have in store for you, if you want to enter into that new realm, do not hesitate to eliminate everything that I select for you. Do not hesitate. Clean it out now.”
As I type this now from my phone, I know that I must throw out the slacks, tank, and belt. All I will have to walk out of here wearing is my suit. I am getting lightheaded from the fasting. I will post an update when I can. I don’t know what God has planned, but I trust Him completely.
Copyright © 2010 Sapphire Jule King and International Freedom Coalition