Daily Dose - April 15, 2020
Patience tops the list of love’s 16 defining traits in the bible. Perhaps, in listing it first, I can imagine that Paul was saying:
Pay attention. This one is really important. Patience is foundational. You will need patience in order to manifest the remaining traits.
Patience is spiritual, mental, and emotional endurance. Patience is steadfastness in the face of delays and that dreadful waiting. Patience is tolerance in difficulty without giving in to negativity.
In self-love terms, patience is staying committed to nurturing your truth, your faith, your hope, your dreams, your gifts, your calling, your purpose, and your well-being through gentle self-talk when life pushes up against you.
How often do we beat ourselves up because we did not learn something new quick enough to our liking or as fast as someone else? How often do we rip ourselves to shreds over making that mistake… again? How often do we settle for the many pittances offered us in life because we either don’t want to wait for or don’t believe that a double portion is even possible for us after all this time and after everything that we’ve been through?
To practice patience as an act of self-love, we must stand on God’s promise in Ecclesiastes 3:11 to make everything beautiful in its time.
1 Corinthians 13:4(a)
Minister Sapphire Jule King
Self-Love Affirmation

Just for today, I choose to shower myself with patience. I am calm in upheaval. I stand unmoved by difficulties. I know God makes everything beautiful in its time. I love you, [your name here]!
Open and Receive:
- Stand in front of a mirror.
- Look into your eyes.
- Say the affirmation aloud.
- Repeat several times throughout the day.
It may feel strange, but keep trying! Let the truth set you free.
1 Corinthians 13:4(a); Ecclesiastes 3:11
Minister Sapphire Jule King
5 Minute Fill-Up
Life will come at you hard sometimes but not because something is wrong with you. Challenges seem to stick around long past their welcome but not because you’ve missed your chance.
Instead of focusing on what seems to be going wrong, ask God to reveal how He is using the situation to equip you to better handle similar challenges in the future. Instead of belaboring how long it is taking for change to come, ask God how to use the extra time to build your spiritual, mental, and emotional endurance so that you don’t give up on that all-important dream when you face a roadblock in the future.
Remember: just because you don’t see any movement or change or relief or growth with your human eyes does not mean that God is not working. Maybe you just haven’t seen it.
Get your fire back. Crank it loud and sing it proud!
1 Corinthians 13:4(a)
Minister Sapphire Jule King
Self-Love Nightcap

I must be honest. I feel quite uneasy stepping into this space of personal connection to which God is calling me. I can feel the shape and weightiness of an internal lid that is struggling to maintain its hold on emotions buried deep within a repression tank that will soon burst open for sure.
In the spirit of today’s focus, I have pampered myself with patience. I have accepted that the human part of me that wants to stay safe from hurt is resisting relinquishing control. I thanked that natural protective instinct for working so hard to keep me safe these past four decades and gave it permission to rest. Rest in God’s protection. Rest in God’s power. Turn the reins over to God and let Him manage it.
I resisted chastising myself for having to deal with this particular hurt yet again (Can’t you just get over it already?). Instead, I practiced patience by reframing my perspective. The many times that I have previously walked around this mountain were really progressive steps that helped me reach this point – the summit, the finish line, permanent healing.
The last few steps of a climb, whether steep or gradual, always seem like the hardest. Fatigue is setting in. But, i rejoice knowing that I don’t have to (and cannot) do this in my own strength. I must call upon, rely on, and allow Jesus to be my strength throughout this process. With God, I can endure and finish the race set before me.
1 Corinthians 13:4(a); Ecclesiastes 3:11
Minister Sapphire Jule King