Daily Dose - April 22, 2020
Self-love acts in a manner becoming of a member of God’s family, one chosen by God to reflect the character of Jesus in this world. When we think we are not good enough instead of loving and accepting our imperfect selves just the way we are, we are not reflecting the unconditional love of God.
When we castigate ourselves repeatedly for a past mistake instead of forgiving ourselves, we are not reflecting Jesus’ ultimate forgiveness illustrated for us on the cross.
When we resist expressing the truth of our inner experience, downplay our needs, or allow our boundaries to be violated, we behave beneath our royal position in God’s Kingdom.
We can’t step to a member of the royal family any kind of way. We can’t address a royal in any offhand fashion. We must respect their position. Let us remember that the next time any unflattering thought about ourselves enters our mind. Let us remember that we are royals the next time any belittling talk about ourselves tries to flow from our lips.
Own your royalty in God because He has anointed and appointed you. You can’t earn it. You can’t lose it. It is His free gift to you. Respect it.
1 Corinthians 13:5(a); 1 Peter 2:9
Minister Sapphire Jule King
Self-Love Affirmation

Just for today, I love myself with words that honor me as the queen/king that I am. I make decisions that reflect my royal standing in God’s Kingdom. I am God’s chosen one. I have the loving heart of God and the assured mind of Christ. I am exactly where I am supposed to be. I am becoming all God created me to be. I love you, [your name here]!
Open and Receive:
- Stand in front of a mirror.
- Look into your eyes.
- Say the affirmation aloud.
- Repeat several times throughout the day.
It may feel strange, but keep trying! Let the truth set you free.
1 Corinthians 13:5(a); 1 Peter 2:9
Minister Sapphire Jule King
5 Minute Fill-Up
We teach others how to treat us. When we treat ourselves with respect, we send a clear message to others about what is and is not appropriate in our sphere. Be the influencer, not the influenced.
In all things and at all times, we strive to act according to our belief in God and His word. We are not perfect. We will miss the mark sometimes, but that does not disqualify us from God’s Kingdom. How we get back up and course correct represents the grace and mercy of God more than always getting it right. Let’s respect ourselves by not accepting less than what God says about us: we are loved, accepted, forgiven, favored, special, and purposed. #RepYourRoyality!
Be a witness and testify. Crank it loud and sing it proud!
1 Corinthians 13:5(a); 1 Peter 2:9
Minister Sapphire Jule King
Self-Love Nightcap

I found myself standing at the edge of a new frontier last week after the #ConnectionWeekend challenge. The dust kicked up in my professional life and swirled around me in a haze that I could not see through clearly. God was not providing concrete answers to my list of questions or prayers.
Seemingly out of nowhere, the thought occurred to reach out to my director. And I did. I risked appearing a mess, fragile. I gambled with not sounding poised and polished. I hazarded being revealed a total incompetent who has been fooling everyone into believing that I had it all together.
Allowing anyone a peek under my spiritual hood to peer at the messy inner workings of a transition time has been a no-no. Doing so in the workplace? Absolutely forbidden! Yet, there I was stuttering over myself, trying to express frustrations and uncertainties that I could not understand where they were coming from or explain why they were rising up now.
I presented the truth of an internal struggle that I would normally solely work out with God. Only God was not participating (in the way that I would have liked). So, to find relief, I had to reach out… and connect… with someone.
God’s silence amplified the push of the Holy Spirit within me that was guiding me down a new path toward a place of revealing my true face and expressing a side of my authentic truth that I would rather keep hidden. I did not really understand until Pastor John Gray said in service tonight that while the authorities are advising us to wear masks in this time, God – the ultimate authority – is pushing us to remove the symbolic masks we wear for a false sense of safety.
To love ourselves with respect is to appreciate our unique journey, praise the process, and treasure the discoveries made along the way. Masking the whole of our truth does the opposite. Growing, learning, stretching, and strengthening are beautiful times to be celebrated.
The root issue that God is permanently healing me from cultivated a well of shame. Shame tells us we are a mistake. God’s word – the absolute truth – tells me I am chosen, a royal priesthood, a holy nation. The way to authentic connection is to remove the mask that we mistakenly believe keeps us safe. Masks only serve to keep us disconnected. I no longer need it. I will take that leap knowing that I am safe in God.
1 Corinthians 13:5(a); 1 Peter 2:9
Minister Sapphire Jule King