Daily Dose - April 28, 2020
Self-love is forgiving others and yourself. We are all imperfect humans living in an imperfect world subject to a variety of screw-ups as a result of Adam’s and Eve’s disobedience.
People will hurt us, disappoint us, not live up to our expectations. We will set others up for failure with our unrealistic and perfectionistic expectations. We will inevitably (and often unknowingly) inflict upon others the same pain inflicted upon us. We pass it along like an explosive masquerading as a gift.
When the Holy Spirit brings awareness to our missteps, guilt sets in and the mental flogging begins. We can even distort healthy spiritual practices to punish ourselves, all “in the name of Jesus.”
Yes, God instructs us to repent. Yes, God advocates for correction. But God also very clearly and unequivocally instructs us to forgive. Drop it. Let it go. Just as He has forgiven us. Just as He forgave us by sacrificing His only son to die for the mistakes that we would make 2000 years later.
Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus (Romans 8:1).
Although I am not certain of the original author, there is a saying (or versions of it) that holding onto anger, resentment, unforgiveness, and [fill in the blank] is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die. Unforgiveness only hurts ourselves.
The scripture says to not take into account a wrong suffered or endured. That does not mean to continually put ourselves in a harmful situation. That means exit the toxic situation and leave the toxicity behind.
Release it to God, take the lessons with us, and move forward.
1 Corinthians 13:5(d); Mark 11:25
Minister Sapphire Jule King
Self-Love Affirmation

Just for today, I love myself by letting myself off the hook. God has erased my debt. Jesus paid the price for my mistakes in full. I owe nothing. I release the need for others to pay for causing me pain. I erase their debt from my books. They owe me nothing. I am exactly where I am supposed to be. I am becoming all God created me to be. I love you, [your name here]!
Open and Receive:
- Stand in front of a mirror.
- Look into your eyes.
- Say the affirmation aloud.
- Repeat several times throughout the day.
It may feel strange, but keep trying! Let the truth set you free.
1 Corinthians 13:5(d); Mark 11:25
Minister Sapphire Jule King
5 Minute Fill-Up
God promises beauty for ashes. Forgiveness is an overflowing vat of sweetness for every bitter taste left by being wronged or making a mistake… again.
Set yourself free. Crank it loud and sing it proud!
1 Corinthians 13:5(d); Mark 11:25
Minister Sapphire Jule King
Self-Love Nightcap

Several years ago, God instructed me to reach out to a person who sexually assaulted me. I did so out of shear obedience but to say I was scared would be an understatement. I trusted God, yes, but…. with this? God will always push the limits of our faith, our trust, and our belief in Him to deepen our understanding of His unconditional love. God will also use the most horrific experiences of our lives to teach us the simple truths about forgiveness.
After meeting with this person and conversing about everything that happened, he actually proceeded to flirt with me. God directed me to send him a prayer every single day for a week from Stormie Omartian’s “The Prayer That Changes Everything.” The prayers said that this person was loved and accepted by God because God created him. He responded to each with some flirty comment.
I became so frustrated. I could not understand God’s point. Why was God subjecting me to this foolishness? Finally, there was a prayer about how God forgives all of His children. Holy Spirit convicted me because in that moment I could hear my mind whispering, “Yeah, everybody BUT him.”
God replied to my thought, “Can you pick and choose who I will and will not love based upon your assessment of how bad you think someone is? Is that what My word says? Does my word not say I will leave the 99 for the 1? My unconditional love is equally for this person, who you think does not deserve it, as it is for you, who you think does deserve it. That is the meaning of unconditional. That is the definition of mercy and grace.”
Finally, God set before me a choice: “Either you accept all of Me, all that I am, and all that I say or you don’t. If you continue to choose to hate this person after I have clearly demonstrated to you my unconditional love for him, then you my daughter do not love Me with all your heart, all your soul, and all your strength as you claim. It’s either all of me or nothing.”
There was no choice to be made. I loved God. That was and is the only thing of which I am absolutely certain.
To love God is to love all others with His forgiveness and to love myself enough to stop cutting myself on the sharp edge of past pain.
I forgave this person that instant in my alone time with God. The very next day, this person asked to speak with me by phone. He wanted to apologize for his actions.
That, my sisters and brothers, is the mighty power of God at work.
1 Corinthians 13:5(d); Mark 11:25
Minister Sapphire Jule King