Daily Dose - May 4, 2020
Self-love is resting in God’s grace. The scripture says that love bears all things regardless of what may come. God helps us by reminding us to rely on His strength when we feel weak. To seek refuge in Him so that we do not grow weary or faint. To cast our cares upon Him. To rest in Him.
To be clear, this is not an edict to shoulder abuse. God clearly denounces abuse and violence of all kinds in the bible (Psalm 11:5, Colossians 3:19, Proverbs 12:18, Colossians 3:8). God instructs us to take wise action to remove ourselves from abusive situations (Proverbs 27:12, Proverbs 11:9).
Here, God is talking about when life does not go right according to our liking and our plans. When we experience lean seasons, loneliness, loss, upset, and upheaval. When our worlds are unexpectedly shaken. When we are inconvenienced and challenged by opposition.
God wants us to love ourselves by depending upon Him: place our worries, fears, and upsets upon His shoulders. Look to Him for answers and direction instead of trying to figure everything out on our own and with our limited human understanding. Rest our minds, bodies, and spirits knowing that God will guide us through every challenge to the victory already won on our behalf.
1 Corinthians 13:7(a); Matthew 11:28-30
Minister Sapphire Jule King
Self-Love Affirmation

Just for today, I love myself with soul rest. I pile all challenges upon God’s shoulders. I rely on God’s strength during extended trials. I know God is helping me right this minute. I am exactly where I am supposed to be. I love you, [your name here]!
Open and Receive:
- Stand in front of a mirror.
- Look into your eyes.
- Say the affirmation aloud.
- Repeat several times throughout the day.
It may feel strange, but keep trying! Let the truth set you free.
1 Corinthians 13:7(a); Matthew 11:28-30
Minister Sapphire Jule King
5 Minute Fill-Up
We can bear our life’s burdens, shoulder conflicting responsibilities, handle adversity, and take on the challenges of our calling and mission when we allow God to carry the load while we walk along side Him, following His instructions.
To let God, we have to let go. Release our way, our expectations, and those things over which we have no control.
Give it all to God today. Crank it loud and sing it proud!
1 Corinthians 13:7(a); Matthew 11:28-30
Minister Sapphire Jule King
Self-Love Nightcap

One of the hardest things for me to bear is the weight of a promise from God, the expansiveness of a vision, and the silence after answering a call to a specific mission.
I founded a nonprofit over a decade ago. God painted a very vivid and detailed picture of what He wanted to accomplish through that organization. The work, the people who would be reached, and the number of lives that would be impacted seemed impossible when viewed through a mere human lens.
I rarely clocked more than four hours of sleep during the three years after receiving the vision. I literally worked 15 to 18 hours per day. My mind constantly raced trying to figure out how to bring this far-reaching vision to life.
God gave me that vision to teach me a valuable lesson about “bearing all things” out of love. I loved God, loved His work, and was going to make sure I did everything in my power to make it happen. But God’s word says that His yoke is easy and His burden is light. That is how much He loves us!
God taught me that He will do the heavy lifting of “making it happen” when it comes to His projects, initiatives, calings, assignments, and missions. My job is simply to carry the promise, nurture it, take care with it, and protect it no matter what I may face.
God gave me a simple analogy that became a tangible illustration of His point. He said to consider the development of a human fetus. We carry the promise – the egg, embryo, fetus – within. However, we are not creating the bones, stitching them together in the right pattern, adding ligaments and tissue, sewing in organs, making them grow, trying to figure out the best material for adrenal glands and the perfect location, etc.
All the developmental activity that transforms a fertilized egg – a seed, a dream, vision, a promise – into a functional human being takes place in spite of us. The order and schedule of that development was determined long before we carried the promise. While God manages the development without our 24 hour intervention, how we nurture and take care of our bodies can either support the natural, divine course of development or it can seriously disrupt it.
When we find ourselves buckling under the weight of life, burned out from the mission, or exhausted from the waiting, let us ask ourselves these simple questions:
- Are we doing too much or trying too hard?
- Have we swerved into God’s lane?
- Are we doing our part to nurture and protect the promise that we carry or are we trying to do God’s job of determining the exact make-up, order, timeline, and minute details of the outcome?
Take a rest in knowing that God is on His job. He can do it. He will bring about His promises. He will never fail.
1 Corinthians 13:7(a); Matthew 11:28-30
Minister Sapphire Jule King