
Day 5: Walking in the shoes of the homeless and unemployed
Well, prejudgments are getting out of hand. Yesterday, Friendly Security Guard tells me to stay out of trouble. This morning, the vocational services rep at the shelter told me to stay out of trouble citing, “Some people may be jealous or may think that you think you are better than they are.”
Tonight, I walked one of my new roommates down to the front desk so that she could get a sandwich. She hadn’t had any dinner but has phobias about open places and ordering at counters. As we approached, I heard two of the other security guards saying, “She don’t even speak to me. She just walks around with her nose in the air. I’m not giving her my food.”
I finally figured out that they were talking about me. The guard distributing the sandwiches didn’t want to give me “his food” as he called it. Finally, he throws a sandwich up on the counter. I asked my roommate what kind she wanted. “Ham, if they have it.”
“You have to take what I have,” spat the guard in charge.
So, my roommate slowly approached the counter with her hands folded one into one another, eyes looking downward, and picked it up. We turned to walk away. The guard then said to me, “Oh, you don’t want one? What, you too good for us now?”
When I just stared at his ignorance, he tried to smooth it over with, “I’m just playing.” I gave him the coolest stare that I could muster and made sure I held his gaze long enough for him to shift his weight from one foot to the next in unexpected discomfort before finally turning and gesturing for T to walk away. I suppose my unusual presence here is causing a bit of a stir.
Emerging Face of Homelessness

Any Google search on homeless middle class professionals will reveal that the most recent recession makes my case more commonplace than many may think. The number of unemployed individuals nearly doubled from 2008-2009 which has played a role in the increasing number of foreclosures. In particular, Rhode Island is experiencing some of the highest rates of unemployment and increased homelessness due to the economic downturn.

“Welcome to your destiny, Sapphire. You are 100% ready to take the next step. Take with you all that you have learned and witnessed while at the shelter. Yes, you are powerful. Yes, this is a position of power, putting you directly in touch with your power. REMAIN HUMBLE, SAPPHIRE. YOUR HUMILITY IS THE KEY TO YOUR SUCCESS,” instructed God.
Copyright © 2010 Sapphire Jule King and International Freedom Coalition