12:32 am

Day 13: Walking in the shoes of the homeless and unemployed
I can’t go to sleep! I am so tired and so sleepy. The lack of sleep hit me like a freight train at 3:30pm today (technically yesterday November 9, Day 12). All I could envision was a hot shower and the bed.
I finally met with a local community leader today (technically yesterday), Jim Vincent of the NAACP Providence Branch. It occurred just as God told me on November 5. The “flurry of activity” was all the cancellations today. First we were supposed to meet around lunch time. Didn’t happen. Then we were supposed to meet a bit later. Didn’t happen. Then, later. Didn’t happen. Finally, we met at 5:30pm. And yes, all did come to a halt—his busy-ness, the completely empty café were we had tea. His birthday is the same as Sal’s which was God’s way of telling me that this is a divine connection. We talked about our backgrounds and possible employment/ community opportunities for me.
I don’t feel like writing anymore about it because I just want to go to sleep. I ate a granola bar to kill the growling in my stomach to hopefully make falling asleep a little easier.
3:00 am
God, why can’t I close my eyes and fall asleep? When I first crawled into bed 2.5 hours ago, I thought about a judge I observed back in Houston—his soothing yet commanding voice, his lion-esque protectiveness over his staff, his encompassing spirit. Maybe that’s what I feel like I need right now but don’t have—protection, comfort. Please cradle me in your warmth and comfort, sooth my mind with your presence. I want to sleep and sleep well. Thank you.
Copyright © 2010 Sapphire Jule King and International Freedom Coalition